Energizing Business Growth
Energizing Business
Unrivalled Expertise
Years Experience
Swift Response
Trained Annually
Talent Insights
Training Programmes
Robert McKernan leads all of the sales engagement programmes and is all about energising your business growth through four proven business drivers

Sales Consultancy
- Creating sales strategy
- Benchmarking your sales team
- Re-organisation
- Improving sales meeting
- Team planning
We will never talk about your business except to you
Leadership Programme
- Team alignment
- Executive development
- Leadership strategy training
- New C level hire onboarding
Sales Training
- Onboarding
- Business to consumer
- Business to business
- Large complex selling
- Online programmes
- Technical selling
- Leadership programmes
- Conferences
- Team meeting
- Guest speakers
Talent Insights
Assessment Centre
Supporting your recruitment and your team is what our assessment centre is all about. We will help give you key information to help you make the correct decisions
We use assessment tools to support you by:
- helping you recruit better
- develop and coach individuals
- support team dynamics
- team succession planning
- ongoing coaching
Recruitment of People
Selection of fully certified assessments to help you select the correct candidate for any role in your organization.
(We do not source any candidates).
Developing People
A selection of fully certified tools to develop and coach individuals, support team dynamics, team succession planning and ongoing coaching
Our Story
Robert McKernan offers sales strategy, training and mentoring to help your business grow. Together with Vanessa Pratt, Robert also offers psychometric testing – to find out how your people think, and why they perform the way they do. Gathering this objective data on your team’s behaviours helps Robert to craft sales solutions that are tailored to your needs. This approach can help your business overcome challenges and achieve goals. If you’re looking for real change and growth, Robert’s ready to help you make it happen.
Robert McKernan
Robert has delivered tailored solutions to sales teams and leadership teams since 2002. Robert has delivered programmes to over 2,500 people annually. He has worked over five continents with people from 121 different countries.
Outside the business Robert is a very passionate white water kayaker, paddling the Grand Canyon, rivers in Bhutan, Ecuador, Zambezi, New Zealand, Turkey and all across Europe. Robert lives in Malahide, Co Dublin Ireland.
Vanessa Pratt
Vanessa Pratt leads all of the coaching and leadership programmes. Vanessa was a part of the Avoca Ireland retail family business for 21 years, her main role being Retail Director. Vanessa was responsible for buying and stores operations, managing a team of over 200 people across 12 stores. Vanessa has a degree in business, qualified business coach and in the use of a range of psychometric testing, working with Robert since 2021. Vanessa runs the business assessment centre and can support you.
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